Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Spring is the Fickle Season

It's been too long since my last post! This weather has put me back into a pseudo hibernation and left me lacking in the "wanting to do things" department. We flirted briefly with summer, then spring, then it snowed again, and now it looks like spring might be creeping back in this weekend.
A few weeks ago we did some wood crafting for camp. We made some chairs, painted some tables, made new wall posts, and fixed some things up to make camp look nice. It was a good and productive day full of power tools and paint fumes.

This upcoming weekend we have another project day, although this one I think will be more event prep and finishing touches. We have to put the finished poles into our sheetwall, I have to finish the designs on our new chairs, and we might be putting up the new tent that Chieftain bought (congrats!).

Now we come to the countdown of days until opening season and Pennsic. As of today there are 31 days until our opening weekend, and 94 days until we leave for Pennsic. Its an exciting time to be a Viking. Mixed into the season I am sure we will have a few day trips to the Renaissance Faire as well. I love to go visit all the wonderful people that I know who work there. Hopefully someday it will be me people will be dropping into visit! For now we plug away at the everyday, but we always keep our dreams within arms reach.

Todays picture of the day is me and my new toy: