Thursday, May 17, 2012

I Love Technology but....

We all use it. Some more then others and with varying degrees of success but technology is something we can no longer avoid in the world we live in. I'm one to admit I love tech stuff. I may not always be up on the newest and greatest but I love getting a new gadget, talking to a long distance friend over the internet, or using my phone to get me un-lost when my GPS lets me down. I'm on the computer all day at work and spend a great deal of time on the internet.
That being said there is nothing so wonderful as the ability to unplug at camp. To let the world know you are taking one big step back and disconnecting from the technology pool for a few days. Its a freeing feeling. At first it can be a bit scary, and then you start to go through the withdraw of  wondering who is online, what Facebook has to say, how many emails might be stacking up in your inbox while you aren't looking. But then something magical stop caring. The world (and the internet) keep going without you. You begin to remember that once upon a time when you didn't always feel that need to be connected.
I have had several projects in the fire on top of work that have kept me busy and putting many hours in on the computer. Some days I feel like my eyes will melt out of my head after work. The sunshine streams in through the window making the work seem to take even longer. At least when I'm working at home I can take the computer out on the porch (yay wireless internet!) and get stuff done.
But really, if you have never disconnected for a few days you really owe it to yourself to try it. Its wonderful when you stop wondering what the internet and everyone else in your life is doing, and simply enjoy the moment of being really aware of where you are and who you are with. Not to mention how awesome to go several days without someone pulling out a phone and texting while you are talking to them (major pet peeve!).

Silence is the morning after a huge party when your the first one to crawl out of your tent, see the mess, and think "it MUST have been a good time". Picture by me:

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